Be a podcast guest

Being a successful attorney is more involved than simply knowing the law or skillfully litigating in the courtroom. Lawyers and law firms need a steady stream of clients to keep the proverbial lights on. But marketing yourself and your services is not something that may come naturally. 

While your law school may have taught you the ethics of marketing yourself as an attorney, few law schools offer a how-to course on the subject.

Whether your practice focuses on litigation or you are a transactional lawyer, getting your name out there and being recognized can make a big difference. In today’s market, one way to reach a large number of people easily is to become a guest on a podcast that will allow you to showcase your knowledge and skills.

Podcasts: The Modern-Day Radio Interview

If you are not familiar with podcasts, think of them as radio programs that are published as episodes. Some episodes feature only the host or podcast creator talking about a particular topic. Other episodes may feature the host interviewing one or more guests about a subject. 

Unlike radio programs, which are broadcast on a specific date and time, podcast episodes are generally accessible at any time. A listener will subscribe to the creator’s podcast show and can then listen to any episode they wish on their computer or mobile device. 

Choosing the Right Podcast

Unlike radio and television, which may have a limited number of guest spots available during any given month, podcasts offer many more opportunities to be a guest. In addition, some podcast hosts can interview you remotely and do not require you to travel to any studio. 

This setup not only makes appearing on a podcast convenient, but it also opens you up to hosts who may be outside of your geographic location.

Not all podcasts are created equally, though. Any person can create a podcast, so it is important that you do your research before agreeing to be a guest. You may want to investigate the number of subscribers that the podcast has, as this can indicate the potential audience you could reach.

You should also consider the geographic areas represented by the podcast’s audience. A podcast with a national audience can be a great tool to reach your local market. On the other hand, being a guest on a popular podcast that discusses legal issues in California is not as beneficial if your practice is limited to Florida. 

Make sure to research a podcast before agreeing to appear as a guest. That way, you can learn about its typical audience and the focus of its episodes.

Lastly, researching a podcast and its host can help ensure you appear only on those podcasts that align with your values and principles. 

Fairly or not, potential clients may equate your appearance on a podcast with your approval of the views of the host. If those views are unsavory or do not align with your target audience, then you may get noticed for the wrong reasons.

How to Find a Podcast

Finding a podcast in search of a guest speaker can take some effort. The effort required depends, in part, on the type of law you practice and its interest and relevance for a podcast’s audience. 

Civil rights lawyers or criminal defense lawyers may have an easier time finding a podcast to appear on because these topics are generally seen as more interesting to audiences. If you are a corporate tax lawyer, your opportunities may be more limited.

Sites like PodMatch can help match you with a podcast show that is looking for guests. Creating a profile with PodMatch or similar services can also allow podcast hosts looking for guests to search and find you. The more detail you provide in your profile, the easier it will be for podcast hosts to evaluate whether they believe you will be a good fit for their podcast.

Selling Yourself and Your Firm Through a Podcast Appearance

So you have got an offer to appear on a podcast as a guest. You are understandably excited yet nervous. You might be wondering how to make the most of this opportunity. Following a few simple tips can help:

Know Your Audience and Your Topic

When you accept the offer to appear as a guest, make sure you understand what topic or topics you will be asked to address. If you are not comfortable speaking about those topics, inform your host and see if there are other subjects you can discuss with them.

Additionally, make sure you are well-versed on the topic and can speak authoritatively about the subject matter. Appearing confused or ill-informed can do more harm than good to your efforts to attract new clients.

Be Aware of When and How You Can Advertise Your Firm

Your host may introduce you and your firm at the outset of the show, but see if you can also share information about your firm and its services during some of your interview answers. 

Ask your host ahead of time if they will permit this sort of advertisement. If the host will provide you with the questions they intend to ask you in advance of the episode, this can make it even easier to plan and rehearse how you will advertise your firm.

Of course, you may want to check your statements before making them to ensure they comply with applicable ethical rules.

Promote Your Appearance

Make sure to tell others about your guest appearance using word of mouth and your social media accounts. This is an easy way for your friends and supporters to introduce others to your firm.

At Woven Legal, we aim to help you grow your firm and increase productivity by matching you with carefully screened support personnel like client intake specialists, legal assistants, executive assistants, and paralegals. 

Learn how Woven Legal’s services can also help you increase your revenue by booking a discovery call with us today.



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